
Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Perfect Diet

One of my favorite topics is weight loss. Nutrition and the way people eat has been a huge passion of mine since I was about 18. 

In 2008, I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (the world's largest nutrition school) and became a Certified Holistic Health Coach. This was by far one of the most exhilarating and interesting education I have ever had. Each month, I would travel to New York City for a weekend and learn from leading and world renowned experts in the fields of nutrition. Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Oz, Barry Sears, David Wolfe, and Sally Fallon were key speakers during these intense weekends.

During this course, I studied over 90+ dietary theories. Not only have I studied them, I have tried them for myself over the last 10 years. I've tried the low carb (Atkins)diet, no carb/high protein diet, vegetarian (all carb) diet, raw food diet, juice fasts, low calorie diets, gluten free diet, 3-hour diet, 3 season diet, Abs diet, Blood type diet....I think you get the point. You name it, I've tried it. 

Why did I try them? Because I wanted to test out the author/expert's theory. I've read their books so I understand where they are coming from-and it all seems to make so much sense. Until. I try it for myself. Why, oh why? At first I lost all this weight. Yeah, I was a little cranky at first but then I just got used to it (haha). Then you somehow go off the diet, or completely forget about it and eat what your friends are eating-then BOOM! You're right back to where you left off. Okay, maybe add a few pounds. 

So why does this have to be so confusing? Why does it have to be so frustrating? And so. I've made this my mission, my passion in life to take the frustration out of losing weight so women in their 30's can achieve their greatest potential! 

There is no "perfect diet" out there to follow. The book has not been written. Why? Because you and I are different.  The diet your friend lost 20 lbs on didn't work for you because you don't have the same genetic makeup. But it's not time to lose hope. This is why I enjoy what I do so much! I love the challenge. Next week, next month, next year....another diet fad is going to come out, but it will not be the one. 

So I'll kick off this summer by adding a few of my favorite weight loss tips. Then I will talk about how you can find the best way to eat for your individual body type and needs. 

1. Feed your soul with primary food. Friends and family, physical activity, spirituality and a satisfying career feed us. Lack of primary food creates over-reliance on secondary, edible food. 

2. Drink water. Most people are chronically dehydrated. We often mistake thirst for hunger. If you feel hungry between meals, drink a glass of water before giving into cravings. Limit liquid calories from soda and juice. 

3. Eat a plant-based diet. Plant foods are typically lower in fat and calories and higher in filling fiber than meat, dairy and processed foods, while providing loads of essential nutrients. 

4. Chew your food well. Digestion begins in the mouth. By thoroughly chewing your food, your body will better assimilate nutrients; you will also slow down your eating. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that it is full. By slowing your eating, you’ll feel full and satisfied on less food. 

5. Eat real food. Avoid products with high-fructose corn syrup or a long list of unpronounceable ingredients. They tend to be highly processed, lacking the nutrients your body needs, and are often loaded with empty calories. 

6. Eat breakfast. Skipping meals causes your blood sugar levels to peak and dip, affecting your energy and moods. It can also cause overeating later on because you’re so hungry. 

7. Eat mindfully. Turn off the TV. Get away from the computer. Sit down and savor the food you are eating with no distractions. 

8. Get moving. Do any type of physical activity every day. Find movement or exercise you enjoy. 

9. Sleep, rest and relax. When you are sleep-deprived or stressed, your body will crave energy, causing cravings for sugary snacks and caffeine as an energy boost. 

10. Schedule fun time. Boredom and stress can lead to overeating. Make sure to take time to laugh, play and participate in activities that bring you joy. 

There you have it! What diets have you tried? Are you currently on a diet? How's it going? I'd love to hear from you!

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