
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Steph's Clean Eating Tips....for lookin' lean & mean!

  • Avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate).  Be aware of it's MANY hidden names. For more information, click here. Yet another trusted source of mine and great article! 
  • Avoid anything that says reduced and/or low-fat. Sugar is replacing that low fat taste. 
  • Limit sugar...almost completely. Trust me, after a while, you won't miss it. 
  • No white flour. There's nothing about it that is even remotely okay about it. 
  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup and agave like the plague. For more info on HFCS by a trusted source, read this awesome article.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners. Healthier options are stevia, coconut palm sugar and honey. Sometimes applesauce or a banana mashed up in whatever you are baking is sweet enough too.
  • Avoid foods that are in the gluten free aisle. They are really just processed junk foods. It is possible to live a gluten free lifestyle without purchasing gluten free products. I do it!
  • Do not consume homogenized or pasteurized dairy products. Vat pasteurized (lower temp), grass-fed dairy products are the best choice and easiest for you to digest. These are the two sources I trust. Kalona and Picket Fence Creamery
  • If you don't have access to organic, grass fed, raw, or non-homogenized milk, then skim milk is your best choice. The hormones and pesticides are found in the fat of dairy. 
  • Always eat your carbs during the early part of your day so you have the rest of the day to burn it off.
  • If you're going to indulge in your favorite dessert, eat it with your lunch.
  • Try to eat your favorite carbs with animal protein and a cruciferous vegetable for minimal fat storage. 
  • If you're going to consume coffee, be sure it is organic. Coffee beans are heavily sprayed with chemicals and pesticides. Go for the organic dairy and liquid stevia to sweeten!

READ, READ, read the ingredient list on everything you purchase. I cannot emphasize this enough. Do NOT bother reading the front of the box. Look at the ingredients list. 

I'm sure I am missing something. When it comes to mind I'll just keep adding to the list. This is a good list to get started with. If you find it overwhelming, start with one or two things and gradually implement into your daily lifestyle. 

I'd love to hear your feedback and if these are already a part of your life, I'd love to hear about it! 

1 comment:

  1. Great article Steph! I didn't even think about coffee beans.
