
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to eat for blood type B

My daughter happens to be a this blood type so this is definitely a good refresher of what foods are best for her and which ones I should avoid for her overall health. 

Blood Type B's are considered strong and vigilant and are able to resist most diseases. 
Their weaknesses are immune system disorders, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. 
To avoid weight gain, B' will especially want to avoid buckwheat, corn, lentils, peanuts and sesame seeds. 
Tomatoes can irritate the stomach lining and should be avoided. 
Consuming an excess amount of chicken can lead to immune system disorders. 
A B type will thrive on deep ocean fish, excluding shell fish. 
This is the only blood type that can thrive on a variety of dairy products. 

Below is a detailed list of beneficial, neutral, and avoid foods:

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