
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips to boost your metabolism

Okay, so you've heard over a gazillion ways to boost your metabolism. Do this. No, don't do that! Which is right? Which is wrong? Who do I listen to?? What really works? 

I've put together my favorite (top 12) metabolism boosting tips. Some of these are quite popular, and I think they are great advice. They are a combination of my favorite and most respected experts in the field of health and wellness. 

I follow these for myself and have had great success with them. I hope you do too! 

  1.  First thing in the morning, drink warm/hot water with lemon. Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water with lemon. 
  2. Exercise before eating breakfast.
  3. Take a greens supplement/eat more greens-the darker the better.
  4.  Lift heavy...weights. Forget the 2 and 5 lb weights. Go for 15 or 20 lbs! 
  5.  Eat every 3 or so hours. Avoid feeling "starved". Stop eating after 7 or 8 pm or at least 2 hours before bed time. 
  6. Stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  7. Eat foods for your type. 
  8. Get a massage.
  9. Consume healthy fats.
  10. Swap coffee for green tea.
  11. Get plenty of rest. In bed by 10pm. Our bodies get REM from 10p-2am.
  12. Try Ultimate Thermofit. (ok I don't recommend turning to supplements as a last resort, but they work GREAT when combined with the above tips.) For loyal customer pricing, please contact me. 

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